
Jan 31, 2014

Loving Literacy Blog Hop

Welcome to...

With Valentine's Day approaching, our group of reading specialists, coaches, and teacher bloggers decided it was the perfect time to share our love of literacy with you.  Each of us is passionate about helping children develop a love of reading, and what better way to love reading than through our favorite books.  Each blogger participating in this weekend's hop is sharing materials for his/her favorite book, book about friendship, or for Valentine's day.  We hope you'll enjoy using them and sharing your love of literacy with your students.

I am the oldest in my family.  It seemed that teaching just kind of happened naturally as the oldest.  Showing my sisters how to ride a bike, set up a Barbie house correctly, or dive into our grandma's pool was just what I did.  I remember spending hours in our bedroom playing "school" and I am pretty sure I was a bossy, demanding teacher.  The love for literacy did not start there.  It came later for me.

As I think about it, the love for literacy may be due to "The Babysitter's Club" series.  Does anyone else remember these books?  I don't think they were ground-breaking, award winning books; however, as a young girl, I fell in love with reading because of these books.  This love just stuck and as I started my career path in education, it was a passion that I wanted to help foster in others.  When the opportunity arose to be a Title I teacher, I jumped at it and have loved every minute.

A few years back I came across "Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch" and I fell in love with this character. Mr. Hatch is quiet, keep-to-himself kind of guy until one day when he receives a Valentine's Day gift in the mail.  This gesture of love changes his behavior in such a positive manner that the whole town notices.  It is such a great illustration of the impact that love plays in our lives.  And it is a great way to teach about how a character changes throughout a story.

Since we have been focusing on metacognition in our classroom (read more here), the focus of this pack is thinking.  The following pages are included:
This unit is available for free this weekend only and exclusively on my blog.  It will convert to a paid product after February 2nd.  I appreciate you dropping by today, and if you are new to my blog and love literacy, I hope you'll take a moment to follow my posts on Bloglovin.


  1. I wrote about the Babysitter's Club books too! I used to devour them!

    Literacy Spark

  2. I LOVE the Babysitter's Club books and Boxcar Children. They are the only books I ever read when I was little. I actually wasn't a big reader. My sister was, she loved A Dog named Kitty.


    1. I am going to have to look that book! Oh Babysitter's I loved it!

  3. Isn't it great how one book or series of books can change us into readers and capture our attention? Love Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch!
    Conversations in Literacy


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