
Jan 22, 2014

Wednesday WOW of Shapes

 It is Wednesday again and time to share another WOW moment (professional or personal) from your week.  We had a four day weekend because of MLK day and snow.  This winter has been quite crazy in Ohio!

Our firsties have been working on 2D shapes and we will be (once the snow blows away) working on 3D shapes.  I mentioned last week that I saw this photo (click on for original source):
 I really wanted to try making a snowman like this with our students to help them understand the defining versus non-defining attributes of a triangle.  We had all the pieces ready, handed them over to them, and look what happened:

 Every single one of them looked different. (I should have taken more pictures).  It was a lot of fun to watch them try the pieces out in different places.  We will keep working these attributes and they will get it!
What was your WOW moment?  Hope you can share it with us :)


  1. What a creative, hands-on way to learn about shapes! Love it. I am sure those all turned out well. :) Hope the rest of your week is fantastic!

  2. So excited to link up this week! YAY!
    I love your 2-D snowmen! Great idea!
    Have a great week!

  3. I love snowmen and this one is so unique! I may try it tomorrow if I can squeeze it in! What are they writing about in the middle picture? I'm a curious teacher!

  4. Yes, I want to know what they are writing too. I just got finished cutting triangles to have my students do this tomorrow. As I was cutting them, I thought it might be neat to make snowmen using circles, squares and rectangles too. I may give it a try.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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