
Feb 13, 2014

We HEART Mo Willems and FREEBIES!

 Our firsties are in *LOVE*! Not with us, or each other, not with snow, maybe with hot dogs... :)
They are actually in  L.O.V.E. with Mo Willems! We started reading the Pigeon books two weeks ago and we had them HOOK, LINE, and SINKER!  We started off with all four (well five since I have one board book) Pigeon books.  If you haven't read these guys to your firsties, add them to your list!  They are so funny and engaging.  Especially since he writes them so the reader will interact with the text, GENIUS!  :)  In honor of our last Pigeon book we read, , I made these sweet little treats for our firsties. 
  These little guys were on sale at Joann's! I was able to make about 38 or so pigeon heads from one bag.

    This time I melted these candy melts according to the instructions.  I know, I know... I've watched my mom melt these things since I was a little girl and I thought I could do it in my sleep. hehehe.. NOPE  They put directions on there for a reason.  :)

  I used the little scooper to help me dole out the "pigeon head".  I only used about half of what was in the scooper because I then pressed a white-ish (they actually had fun-fetti or something in them) candy melt in the center.

  I used this guy for the pupil. :)  I didn't need nearly as much black.  I think I used 1/4 the bag and still had a lot left over.

  The finished product. :)  My girls said, "He needs a beak!"  Not sure what I would have done for that. Any ideas?????  I'm thinking about having these at our next writing celebration!
We've also done a following directions activity with our firsties on making a pigeon.  It went over well with about half of our groups.  At the last second I remembered that I had these speech and thinking bubbles that I bought at Target in the spring I think.  Maybe it was the fall.  I can't remember.  Anyhoo.... We decided to have all the groups write something in the bubbles.  This was from one of our lowest guys!  He did it on his own!

 "Wait a second...."

 "Leave me ALONE" I told this firstie that I NEED that on a shirt because sometimes I just feel that way. :)
We've also been discussing Text and Illustrating Features. 
We made this chart together.  Well.... I drew what they told me.  :)

Student copy
Click this picture for your copy! :)
Happy *LOVE* Day!


  1. So Cute. I teach first and use Mo all the time too. Thanks for sharing your ideas. I'm sure you already do this, but I often use Mo books to practice fluency/expression in my reading groups- FUN!

  2. Oh, I LOVE Mo (if my blog title didn't already give that away)! We even use his stuff for writing sometimes in 4th grade. Did you know there are actually two board books? My son loves "The Pigeon Loves Things That Go", but we also have "The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too". Oh, and I can't forget the Elephant and Piggie books. We have 5 of those already!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  3. My first graders LOVE Mo Willems, too! My class studies transportation for the whole month of November, so we use Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! then. I wrote all about it on my blog--

  4. Oh my goodness- these are so cute! For their work, have you thought about sending it to Mo Willems? He loves to see student work and sometimes posts it on his blog.

    I loooove the little pigeon heads. For beaks, I wonder if you could find a tringular cracker- maybe from CheezIt Party Mix or something? Still- they are so fun and I bet your students will LOVE them! Thanks for sharing such a great idea.


  5. Maria-How fun! You and Em are such an awesome team. It makes me want to go back to first grade! I bet the kids loved the Pigeon heads, and I love the writing projects (and the freebie).

  6. We are using these books this coming week for SWBS activities. They are the best books ever! I had my kids write their own last year and they were adorable! Love your snack..too cute!


  7. One of my favorites! Would a butterscotch chip work for a beak? I love the little pigeons with the speech bubbles. I had to stop reading Mo Willems to my son at bedtime because he'd get so excited he couldn't sleep.

    Not very fancy

  8. We just got a lot of Mo Willems' books in our library this year. One day, I checked all of the them out and we sort of had a Willems' read-a-thon. It was so funny, the kids were all checking out the books. Isn
    t it great to see kids excited about reading? I love your ideas!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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