
Mar 23, 2014

Celebrate Story Problems!!

Does anyone else feel this way?  I have to admit, it is the first year (in 10 years) that I can claim this statement to be true.  But I really, truly do.  And we wanted to pass along the love to our families.  So how do we do that in Curious Firsties land?  Why, we throw a PARTY! (of course)

It all started with the decorations.  This included a Welcome banner, some gummy bears, dry erase markers, and these super (SUPER) cute centerpieces.

Once the firsties were seated and the families arrived, my teammate, Natalie, and I used a Powerpoint to introduce the story problem book and themes that we used throughout the year.

We showed them the actual book that we printed off and have used this year (about 600 pages!!).

Then we moved on to describe each of the themes and one upcoming theme!

We ended our quick explanation by showing our families the manipulatives that each student used. is time to P.A.R.T.Y!!  Each student had written a story about a teddy bear problem.  Natalie had them laminated and Lowe's was nice enough to donate paint sticks.

 Each kid walked around to the adults and asked them to solve their problem.  Most people did it with a dry erase marker on the actual problem.  Others solved the problem on the table.

This is our first math party that we have hosted.  WOW!  It was so much fun.  How do you celebrate math in your school?

For the Powerpoint, I used image from The 3am Teacher, Ashley Hughes, This Little Piggy Reads, and The Wizard of Boz.


  1. What a great idea! I'm sure your kiddos loved having their families solve the problems they came up with. :)

    A Very Curious Class

  2. Wow, you guys are just amazing!!! Was this party during the school day? Do you have a lot of parents show up? That is so cool that the parents solved the problems your students wrote. I bet they were sooo proud!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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