
Apr 12, 2014

QR Codes to Admire

Have you met Lawren from Teaching is a Royal Adventure?  I am her new admirer!  As I was searching for some new ideas to for reading, I came across Lawren's QR codes:

I was immediately intrigued with the words "listening station."  My firsties have been working hard to improve their fluency and listening stations are a great way to support this!  I decided right away that I NEEDED these!

But it is Spring classroom and no students to help me show you how these work....No problem! Although my students need to listen to stories, so do my preschooler and (almost) kindergartener!  So we tested them out and the ideas of how to use them with my firsties started flying!!

First...I printed off the QR codes (they still need to be laminated):

Second...we picked a story that we wanted to hear.

Then...she used the free QR code scanner on the iPad. was time to listen and watch!

 I love how easy it is, which is super helpful to me.  The process is quick and my students can do it on their own.  And... it is so engaging!

And I especially like the stories that have the words on them.  This will really help me to support my students that I would like to read along with the audio recording.

For the classroom...I have a few ideas.
1. Traditional listening center and students would use a listening center sheet to fill in some comprehension type activities after listening.
2. I could hold a "breakfast listening club."  A few students would listen to the same story and then have some time to discuss the story together.
3. The stories could also be projected on the Mimeo or White board.  Students could read along with the books that have text.

Lawren has QR codes for each month of the year or they are bundled.  You can click below to head over to her store or her blog button to hop over to Lawren's blog.

Who do you admire?

An InLinkz Link-up


  1. Oh how I wish my classroom had iPads! What a wonderful resource for your students and your daughters! Great post!

  2. So very cool!! We have been so curious about these QR codes and wish we had the technology in our classrooms to use them. We will keep dreaming about it....haha!!
    Kelly and Kim’s Kindergarten Kreations

  3. Thank you so much for choosing me as your secret admire! I am so happy these QR codes helped support your students that need audio recording. I just love the pictures you took with your kiddos using them! :)

  4. Oh my goodness! I love, love, love this. Most of the time when I see QR codes used, it's for something like a worksheet, and I worry about if it's really worth the hassle. THIS seems like a perfect use of QR codes! I can imagine putting one on my newsletter each week, as well as a few on my listening station in the classroom. When I'm back in the classroom, I can't wait to try this out!



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