
Jul 12, 2014

Celebrating Authors in our Classroom

Who here doesn't LOVE a celebration?!?!?!?  Our first graders LOVE to party, especially when they get to show off all their hard work! 
We try to have a celebration after each writing piece is completed.  Some of these celebrations take place with parents, some with other school friends, and some with each other. 
While we thoroughly enjoy watching the faces of our firsties when they read to their audience, we just feel like we need to celebrate them more.  We want each firstie to know what he or she does daily, is noticed.  This is how our next idea was born. 
What kid doesn't love a bracelet?  Our girls get them EVERY time we visit Kings Island.  They are so proud each time they put one of these guys on, ESPECIALLY when they get a new color.
On this day our youngest moved to a new color bracelet and she's now able to ride the Blue Beastie AND the Viking Ship!  I think she smiled for about 8 hours this day! :)
  Our girls also  get bracelets when we go to the gym so they can go down the slide and swim by themselves.  Now if you notice the bracelet on the left.... it's so worn down.  When I ask our oldest to take it off, she says, "Mom, I can't.  It's a part of me." What?!?!?!  A part of you?  Yikes! 

I see how much my girls love these bracelets, I mean my oldest won't even take hers off, so my wheels started turning.  I started thinking.... how can we incorporate this into our classroom.  So... BAM! I made bracelets.  Yep!  These were made so our kids know how proud we are of the steps they are taking in becoming authors.  We want our firsties to know that their hard work IS NOT going unnoticed, even though we give verbal praise often.  We are also thinking this is a way to keep our parents informed. 
What do you think?
I've printed them horizontal and vertical.  Both seem to work on my daughter's arm, but her arm is so skinny.  It was loose, but that's ok.  I also tried both on my arm.  They worked, but most first graders aren't my size.  :)  I decided to stick with the words going vertical so you will be able to fold a little over if you need to make it fit better without losing the words.  :)  Thinking about adding the vertical bracelets later, but I was just so excited, I wanted to show you these guys.
ps.. Sorry about how they look.  Our printer needs new ink desperately and I need our printer to not drink it so quickly. :)  Do you feel my pain?!?!?!?

 These guys would also look great on backpacks or lunchboxes.
Em also thought you could print them on Post-It paper or label paper and just stick them on a folder, clipboard, or child. :) 
We're so, so, so excited to use these guys in our classroom that I'm giving away two packets. One is for first grade authors and the other (which will be finished tomorrow) is for first grade readers.  Lots of other bracelet packets will follow.  So... if you want to win one of these guys, enter the Rafflecopter below! :)       
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck our sweet, sweet friends! Keeping our fingers crossed for all of you! :)


  1. I give my kids a F.R.O.G. note for encouragement. My whole classroom theme is around FROGS. I love the idea of the strip for their wrist or might actually make it home!! :) Fingers Crossed!!

  2. You and Em are really making me wish I was still teaching first grade next year. You have such terrific ideas! Since I have never taught third, I don't know if this is something they would like or if they would think it is babyish. If they don't, I may have to make some to go with science and social studies.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  3. Hi Girls!
    I love these bracelets! I try to encourage my kiddos by giving them lots of love (sometimes a little tough love) and consistency in everything...especially the little things that may not be encouraged at home.
    A Pirates Life for Us

  4. Our school has PAW tickets we can give to students. I like to give them specific praise and feedback, not just the general "Good job." These bracelets are such a neat idea!

  5. To encourage students, I am always saying how well they are reading and when they are able to read a book on their own, I share the news with the parent(s) when they are picked up.


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