
Jul 28, 2014

What's in Your Binder?--Tons of FREEBIE links

My teacher binder IS my life!  I hold everything in it gets a little messy as the year goes on.  It is also what motivates me and gets me ready for the school year to start.  And it has been my mission this past week.

resources for your teacher binder

The first thing in my binder are my lesson plans.  I have ELEVEN groups this year in my schedule!!  As the Title I teacher, every second of my time is spent in small group or one on one settings.  These lessons are what I use the most because every group, every kid is different.  I spend a lot of time planning.  My lessons are super simple but it works out perfectly for what I need.

guided math and guided reading plans
guided math and guided reading lesson plan format
 Then I have my calendars.  I keep my district calendar for all the upcoming big events.  Then I have a blank calendar to write in meeting dates, school events, celebrations, and anything else that pops up! The calendar goes Monday-Sunday.  It is my FIRST fan freebie on our FB page.
2014-2015 Blank Calendar
Next up, my schedules.  Since we are departmentalized and I am moving to four different classrooms, my schedules are.....hmmmm.....SUPER important!  I color code them based on the group and class.

 I use many different guided reading references to help me write my lesson plans each week.  We use Reading Street as one of our guides for phonics and comprehension.  I have a "quick sheet" to help me look at the skills that will be focused on.  Then I have my SnapWords lists.  We use their sight words and I use this checklist I created to keep track of the individual lists that each of my groups are on.
Guided Reading instructional focus
Fontus and Pinnel Instructional Level Expectations

guided reading reference sheets
Click above for the sheets

 All of the instructional calendars come next.  I only have the writing one printed off so far.  But I like to keep these in the binders to make sure that I'm on the right track with the rest of the district.
Writing: Units of Study
 Then come the standards.  I have quite a few documents for this section.  I like to have the Common Core standards listed in a quick reference form.  But I also want a continuum.  We have two vertical meetings a week as a K-2 team.  Looking at the standards and how they grow off each other is really important to me and the success of our building team.
First grade ELA Common Core standards
First grade Math Common Core standards
K-2 Math Common Core continuum
K-2 ELA Common Core continuum

teacher binder
See the links above for these sheets
The last part of my binder has another set of reference sheets in it but for intervention or RTI.  I have a simple little chart to keep track of the IAT meetings that have been held and the changes that we have implemented.  A sheet with the benchmark scores that the school district is looking for on specific assessments.  And an "If....Then" sheet to help with specific interventions.
RTI Interventions Menu

If you would like to use any of these divider sheets for you binder, you can grab them here:
Teacher Binder Divider Sheets

I hope this helps you to start or add to your binder. question....what am I missing?  Is there anything you put in your binder that I should add to mine?


  1. Wow, that looks really organized; I am impressed! We do not have push-in in the sense that you IEP students are either moved when they are identified or go to an "inclusion" room for a specified amount of time during the day. RTI students are pulled for about 20 minutes 2-4 times per week depending on need.

    I would be all about the color coding if I had that many groups to keep up with. I color coded my guided reading groups last year, and it was helpful in keeping organized.


  2. Great organization! I don't have experience being a pull-out teacher, but I usually put my parent communication logs in my teacher binder, too. At my old school, we would also have different lunch schedules on full days vs half days, so I put that in there because I was always getting that confused. I keep long and short range planning in there as well as names of kids and pull out times. Any allergies or medical concerns/IEP modifications, I put in the student info tab. Here's a link to when I originally made my binder two years ago:

  3. I like your dividers, too. Are they in your TPT store? I can't find them. Thanks! Kathleen

  4. I am in AWE of your binder, and am going to try and model mine after yours.....especially the Intervention Resources section! Thanks so much for your generous freebies and for sharing your great organizational system!



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