
Sep 15, 2014

Thank You Letters
I have many thanks to give this weekend!

Dear Bengals,
Thank you for winning today!  You made our little home very happy today.
Your loyal fans

Dear  my kindergarten and first grade Reading teachers,
Thank you for working to meet the needs of my little reader. I know she is going to learn so much and benefit from all your teaching.  I am very grateful.
Thank you,
A very grateful Mom

Dear Husband,
Thank you so much for bringing the t.v. outside because I thought it would be nice to sit in the sun and watch the football game, while setting up my Aimsweb goals.  And on top of had a fire going!  What a great way to work today.
Love love love!
Your happy wife

Dear Honey Baked Ham store,
Thank you for your classic ham sandwich. You made our Saturday night very delicious.  And the honey mustard...perfect combination!
A satisfied consumer

Dear Amanda and Chrissy,
Thank you for spending time with me this weekend.  It was so nice to walk, chat, and eat!  Coffee, pizza, cobb salad, and Jenni's ice cream....WOW! What a great way to spend a Saturday.
Your friend

Dear PBS,
You have made such a positive impact on our family.  It has evolved and changed over the years.  Letters and numbers have been learned though you.  Curiosity has been impacted.  Many facts have been discussed over the dinner table from your shows.  Most recently, Peep and The Big Wide World has been a favorite. It encouraged my children to build a dam this weekend with the hose, sticks, twigs, rocks, and mud.  It was such a great learning experience.
So Appreciate,
A Teacher and Mom

Have a great week!!


  1. It was fun to spend time with you too, friend! I enjoyed your picture yesterday of watching the game outside. What a great idea :) Hope your week is off to a good start!


  2. I love this--thank you letters. I'm going to try that sometime. Have a great week!


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