
Mar 22, 2014

A Little Sunshine is Always Needed!

We are so excited to be nominated twice for the Sunshine Blogger Award.

The support and friendships that we have made through blogging has been so rewarding and we have grown as teachers.  Thank you for all the support of our readers. Andrea from Reading Toward the Stars and Jennifer from Stories and Songs in Second nominated us.

Thank you ladies!  We hope you can jump over and see all the amazing work that they do with their students everyday.

First up...11 random facts about us:
1. Maria has 3 girls and Em has 2.
2. We spend much of our summer riding roller coasters and eating blue ice cream at the local amusement park.
3. We have been teaching a combined total of 25 years!
4. Em has two scrambled eggs for breakfast every morning.  Maria has poptarts every morning.
5. Maria loves loves LOVES to run.  Em is more of a yoga girl.
6. Em loves loves LOVES chocolate.  Maria hates it!
7. In our closets you would see black, black, and more black clothing.  We like to wear black!!
8. Maria eats ketchup with ketchup but Em just likes ketchup.
9. We love a good cheeseburger by Em's Ben (mmmmm....).
10. Em is organized.  Maria is messy-organized.
11. We are pretty opposite but work great together.

Next up...11 questions (some from Andrea and some from Jennifer)
1. Who is your favorite children's author?
Mo Willems, for sure!

2. What is one thing you miss about being a kid?
The carefree feeling.  Rainbows and sunshine every day!

3. What is your favorite snack?

4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Our 5 girls

5. Who has been your most important and influential mentor?
Hands-down...our teammate Karen.  She is amazing.

6. How long have you been teaching?
Combined 25 years

7. What is your most guilty pleasure or indulgence?
Maria--marshmallow fluff

8. What is your favorite sport to play or watch?
Maria--loves to watch baseball, but play volleyball
Em--likes to watch football, but to thank you!

9. What is the hardest part of your job as an educator?
The homelives of our students.

10. What is the best part of your job as an educator?
The kids.

11. If you could teach any one subject all day long, what would it be and why?
We already do what we love all day long!  Maria teaches writing all day.  Em is all about the intervention.

Our nominees:  All of these wonderful bloggers have supported us, shared this journey with us, and put smiles on our faces!  Thank you!

Our Questions:
1. Do you like donuts?  What is your favorite?
2. What keeps you awake?
3. Reading, writing, or math...what is your favorite?
4. What was your easiest subject in school? Most challenging?
5. What is your favorite grade to teach?
6. What do you do for summer fun?
7. SUV, mini-van, compact car?
8. Do you read for pleasure?  If so, what are you reading?
9. What was your first job?
10. Are you a Mac or PC person?
11. What is your favorite color?  Why?

We have daily rays of sunshine in our lives and appreciate all the bits that you send our way.  Happy Spring everyone!


  1. THANK YOU!! I can't wait to pass it on! I feel so honored!

  2. I love the Compare/Contrast format you used for your post about each other's character traits! Always thinking like teachers, right? You make a perfect pair for a Venn Diagram, just like Frog and Toad, Henry and Mudge, Charlotte and Wilbur....and the list of favorites goes on! Keep spreading your special light!


  3. Congrats on the award! This was so much fun to read! I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago & immediately added it to my blogroll. BTW, I'm originally from Dayton and lived in Mason for a few years. We were at KI 2-3 times per week - it was a dream come true for my husband (not for me, I have a strong fear of heights!)

  4. Thank you ladies for the nomination. I'm truly touched! I've followed you from the beginning and I love your posts. They are positive and always packed full with wonderful things. Thanks for sharing all about yourselves in such a creative way. I found out that I'm a little alike both of you in many ways. I have 2 girls, love chocolate, and often eat pop-tarts for breakfast too! I look forward to reading and learning more from you Curious Firsties!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. Awwww, thank you so much! I always try and keep up with you guys! You always have such great ideas. I feel like a horrible blogger lately but I've been devoting a lot more time to my family so I guess I can't really apologize for that! :) Thanks again for the wonderful nomination!
    Karen Rowland
    Adventures With Firsties

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