
Apr 5, 2014

Spring Blogger Meet-Up Blog Hop

It was the perfect day for a Spring Blogger Meet-Up in French Lick, Indiana.  I had never been there before but couldn't wait to take the trip to meet some new blogger friends. was a beautiful drive.
There were so many bloggers and teachers that came together in French Lick to celebrate teaching and blogging.  Here are some of the bloggers that were there!!

Here I am with some new bloggy friends! (left to right)
Amanda from The Primary Gal
Leea's two teaching mates (they all make a great team!!)

After a great meal, we swapped teacher tools.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for my teacher tool! I love it!!  Sharpies and TPT giftcard....who could ask for more :)

Then....drumroll....everyone (EVERYONE) at the meet-up won a giveaway prize!  WHAT!!!?!! It was so exciting and there were so many great products.  Here is my prize:

After the giveaway, there were more prizes.  Yes....MORE prizes by so many great sponsors.
These are brand-new, not on the shelf markers and pens!!

Okay....there were fantastic prizes and teacher tools but you may be wondering, "what did I learn from this meet-up?"  LOTS.  But I will stick to three main things that I learned from my fellow bloggers.

During our "Teacher Tool Swap," we all stood in a big circle.  Then a story was read.  The words "left" and "right" were used very often within the story.  Each time we heard the word "left," we passed a gift to the left.  When we heard "right," we passed it to the right.  It was a fun way to exchange our "teacher tool."  I think this game could be used in the classroom but maybe students have to solve a problem that is passed to them.  It got me thinking...and I will keep thinking about it until I can try it out!

Instagram.  You may not know this about me...but I still have an "old-fashioned" cell phone.  Basically, I can call, text, and take pictures with my phone; therefore, Instagram has not been on my radar.  But I learned the importance of really connecting as teachers/bloggers through this social media.  So I am now on Instragram, but am still working out how to integrate it into my life.  We will see how that goes.

Windows Live Writer.  My friend Jenny, from Luckeyfrog's Lilypad, has mentioned how much easier it is to write a blog post using Windows Live Writer.  She walked us through the steps of this program.  I can really see why she uses this to write her posts!  I still need more practice, but may be jumping on this bandwagon very soon.  Thanks Jenny!! it is your turn!!  One winner gets all of these prizes below (and MORE!)  The Rafflecopter to enter for all these goodies is at the end of the hop!  To enter...just keep hopping :)

To learn more about our Blogger Meet-Up, head on over to Teaching Ever After!

Teaching Ever After


  1. Loved getting to meet and hang out with you!

  2. Wow! Looked like a great time! And the free giveaways are awesome!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I hope you entered to win the giveaway yourself!! :) Thanks for reading, sister!

  3. Awesome post! I miss you all already! :) Can't wait 'til next year! Thanks for linking up for the hop!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much for following us Mel! It was great to listen to all your tips and learn from you!!

  5. Good luck!!! Who doesn't love a giveaway??!?? They are so much fun!!

  6. I just wish the weekend had lasted longer so we all could have visited even longer! Looking forward to next year already! Great post!
    :) Dana
    Common to the Core

  7. Great post. It was so nice meeting you there.

    Teaching in Blue Jeans

  8. It so wonderful meeting you! I love the idea of using the story in the classroom. I am going to have to try that too. :)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  9. I was there, and I still love reading all of these posts for the great ideas!! I love working the "left" and "right" story into the classroom. Oh, the possibilities!

  10. Looks like you have some awesome things going on in your classroom! :]..... I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog for more details!

  11. So glad I got a chance to hang out with you for a bit in French Lick :)

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