
May 5, 2014

Teacher Appreciation: Memories of Favorite Teacher

Name a teacher that has inspired you.  Why?

This question has haunted me since college.  I just don't have a teacher that I really connected to as a young kid.  I was quiet, shy, did my job while I was there, and came home.

My K-12 career was pretty uneventful for me.  The only teacher that really sticks out to me is Mr. Gorman.  But that is because I remember his wooden paddle in the front of the room, his messy desk that he could find anything on, and he was the only male in the building.

This is me on the first day of that fifth grade year with Mr. Gorman:

But my cooperating teacher from student teaching is the TEACHER that impacted me the most.  And still does.  Of course, she taught me many great things.  But what sticks out to me the most--and I think about daily--is connecting.  I remember she would relate so many lessons to her two dogs: their personalities to characters in books, things they did to events in stories, word problems would include her dogs, etc.  She explained that the kids were going to feel connected to me if they could relate/connect to parts of my life.

And she was right (of course!)  My students love to hear about the cats that come to visit me from my neighbor's house or the things that my two little girls do at home.  These connections build relationships, trust, and rapport.

Thank you, Babs.

Babs with my little Ruby

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  1. Connections are a great way to help with understanding of topics and skills. I know your students enjoy those stories too!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  2. I'm so glad you had Babs to guide you and help you be the wonderful teacher you are. Your students will not have your experience because of that. My post is similar. No one really stood out as stellar in my learning journey, and I think that is because I was the quiet kid who just didn't stand out to them. It is so important to me now to connect. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week.

  3. Mr. Gorman's wooden paddle would have sent me running for the exit! Thankfully you had Babs as a mentor! I think any time we connect lessons to our personal lives (and theirs), students are so impacted. A great reminder for us all!

  4. How fortunate for you to have someone so wonderful to learn from! We all need a great mentor in our lives!

  5. Sounds like someone who definitely impacted your practice! Happy Teacher Appreciation to you (and Babs!) :-)
    BigTime Literacy


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