
Jun 2, 2014

Hello Summer.... Freebie

Today started our first official day of summer break.  For most of you that means... sitting by the pool, reading a trashy magazine, and soaking up the sun.  For Em, I, and our other Curious Teammates it meant.......... CURRICULUM WRITING!!!!!!  HOOORAAAAYYYYY!!!  Em and I have talked about this on countless occasions.  We DO NOT know how to TURN OFF our teacher brains!  It's probably a diagnosed illness that is waiting approval by the FDA or something like that.  Hmm.... what would Doc McStuffins diagnose us with in her big book of boo boos.  hahaha  I know we have a bad case of.......  Teacher Workaholicitis. You know you suffer from it too. 

Anyhoo.....  our plan tomorrow is to map out our minilessons for writing and maybe, just maybe create a few things to go along with them.  We are super excited because we mapped out all the books we are going to use this year AND collected several from our book room already.  We can't wait to share with you what we're doing, but you'll have to wait... just a little.bit.longer.  However, we WILL share with you this writing freebie that we are going to use to help us plan! Let us know if you have any suggestions, we're always looking for great ideas!!!!

We decided to go with Units of Study instead of the month at the top because we look at our writing units by weeks, not the months when they are being completed.  For example, we have a pattern book writing unit that will start in Mid September and end in the 2nd week of October. Then, we will pick up our next unit.  We also needed to get better at utilizing the word wall in my room, so we have looked at the fry list (word cards to be coming soon!) and chose K words that we will add to our wall. We also feel it's important to be intentional with our minilessons and Em found an awesome resource we will be using along with LOTS of other books she has tabbed for us.  
We are going to have SO.MUCH.FUN!  Seriously! I can't wait!

I'm also doing a little blogging over at my mommy blog.  Head there for a freebie too! 

Happy planning my friends with Teacher Workaholicitis!


  1. Don't worry! My teammates and I are going to be planning starting tomorrow as well. It seems most teachers can not stop working/thinking about school.

  2. Hi Melissa!

    Happy Planning to you and your teammates. Em and I are super excited to map out our writing for the year tomorrow! I'm sure we'll have more to share after tomorrow. :)
    Thanks for visiting!

  3. Isn't it wonderful to work with a team that motivates and inspires you? I don't know what I would do without my wonderful teamie. Anyway, I was wondering if you would share the name of the "wonderful resource" you mentioned. We are looking at revamping our whole curriculum next year and are hungry for ideas.
    Thank you, Julie

  4. As I have said before, you guys are so lucky to have each other to work with! I have had that privilege before and I can say they were my favorite years of teaching. I don't know if you do this or not, but I always have mini word walls for the students to use along with our big one. They have been a great success. I usually keep them from year to year, but this year I sent them home along with a brand new journal. The kids were very excited to take them home.

    I can't wait to see what you guys have come up with, I feel like teaching writing is one of my weak points.

    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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