
Jul 4, 2014

A Writing Plan..... FREE for YOU! :)

A few weeks... well, more than a few weeks ago *oops*, I told you about what Em and I had worked on during our curriculum writing days.

We used this planner to help us organize what we needed for each Unit of Study (click the picture if you want a copy for yourself).  We decided this would be better for us in planning since some of our units take 3 weeks and some will take up to 6 weeks. 

If you click HERE it'll take you right to the fruits of our labor. 

I'm going to walk you through it.  Please feel free to contact us if you have ANY questions or comments!  If you have any ideas that we can use to help strengthen what we do, please let us know!  We love blogging for this reason.

The boxes at the top is where Em typed our minilessons for the days.  (I'm still a pen and paper girl for things to get in my brain, so yes... we did twice the work, but I'm hoping it's stuck in my brain.) :)  You will usually see a CBM (Curriculum Based Management- we used our own, but you can click HERE if you want to explore some free ones.) to start the unit and one at the end. We are going to use the same CBM for both in the hopes to track progress.  I just realized we should probably start working on rubrics... add on to the ever growing to do list. :)  We also left a few boxes blank  during each unit because we wanted to leave room for what our firsties are working on to drive some of our minilessons.

We've listed our goal as well as the standards that we are trying to cover.  We also listed the books we are using as well as the minilessons we will be covering.  These minilessons came from Lucy, Linking the K-2 Common Core: Minilessons that Work, First Grade Writers, and No More I'm Done.  I hope this helps you to get a little glimpse into what we will be doing next year.  I'm super excited to hit the ground running!  :)

What do you do to project and plan out your year?  Any templates you find helpful?   We'd LOVE to hear your thoughts! :)

Happy 4th Friends!


  1. First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all of your hard work! I plan to dig deeper and add anything (can't imagine what) when I have my resources more handy. You ladies rock!

    1. Hi Melissa,
      You are welcome! We would love to hear what other ideas you may have to help us make what we do a little bit better. :)

  2. All I can say is "THANK YOU!!" This resource is incredible. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. I am very eager to dig deeper and piggy-back off of your work!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing!!! You guys are amazing.

  4. Wow I love this lesson plan format! Do you have it in a form you can edit it?

    1. We can for sure send it to you! Just leave me your email in a comment and we'll send it your way! :)
      We love sharing.

    2. Thanks so much!

  5. So fay, I haven't done any long term planning. I need to get in gear since I have a new grade level and just science and social studies. I really like your template, I my try to make something like that for me to use to plan my two subjects. It really looks like a great plan!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  6. Thank you so much! Our district is just starting to work on this type of thing, but we have been stuck and without much help. I think these will really help our First grade team get started and grow. Very grateful!

    1. HI Penelope,
      We're so happy this can help you. We didn't have much direction when we started and had to come up with everything on our own. This is now our third year and each year we keep adding on to what we've already come up with. We'd love to hear your ideas if you/your team have any to share! :) Let us know if there's any other way we can help!!!!

  7. I love this sort of template...I'm looking at doing something like this for my new third grade assignment this coming year. would love the editable :) Thanks so much for a great template and I loved reading your planning to give me an idea how to get started for my third graders. :)


We love to hear from you! We will reply through email or in a comment above. Thank you!!