
Aug 23, 2014


My letters are either a week late or just a few hours early....depending on how you want to look at it :)

One week of school is under my belt, which makes it the perfect time for some Sunday Morning (or Saturday night) letters.

Dear Ruby,
Thank you for wanting to go to Kindergarten.  Being excited to learn.  It makes my job as a mom and teacher much, much easier.
Your Mom

My Ben,
Thank you for standing with Ruby as she waited for Kindergarten to start.  I loved that you were there with us.  I know it is your job as a parent too...but I still appreciate it.

Dear Team,
Thanks for being so inspiring.  Your rooms all look amazing, cozy, and student centered.  You are all doing such a great job of setting up our grade level expectations.  I appreciate that you include me and help the students to see that I am a part of the team and not a "helper."  I look forward to the year!
Your Title I teacher

Dear Building,
We have really become such a tight team.  We have changed together.  Grown together. Learned together.  Cried together.  Become stronger together.  And I am so thankful because it makes the environment feel safe, loving, and welcoming.  Thank you.
Your thankful teammate

Dear Pretzel Buns,
You are becoming an obsession.  I love to eat you.  You taste too good.
A bread lover
Dear Mentee #1 and new teammate,
Thank you for your passion.  I know I am overwhelming.  A little too involved.  Send you a little too much.  Ask questions too much.  But I mean well!  I know you are going to have a great year and I am here to help in anyway!
Your (little too passionate) co-teaching teammate

Dear PBS,
Peep and the Big Wide World cracks me up.  Like...we all laugh out loud at the characters.  Thank you for this.  There are some days when we just need to laugh together.
A Mom

Dear Mentee #2,
I look forward to getting to know you this year.  Title I can be a really hard position.  But it is also so rewarding.  You have a strong team and you are a great fit!
Your Year 2 Mentor

Dear Natalie,
Thanks for being my new menu buddy!  I am trying out some of your recipes this week.  It makes my weekly meal planning just a little bit more fun!
Your forever teammate

Dear Cinnamon Life Cereal,
I love you just a little bit too much.  Why can't you be as healthy as carrots or kale?  I'm just would make my life a little bit easier if you didn't taste so good.
A life long fan

Who would you like to write your Sunday Morning Letters to?


  1. Awesome letters! I'm inspired to write some this morning.

  2. Dear Em,
    Your letters are heart-warming, humorous, inspiring, reflective, thoughtful, positive, and smile-producing! So much so, they make me want to write some of my own. I am going to "link up" this morning while I enjoy my coffee and listen to my hound dogs snoring beside me. Stay tuned.....

  3. I love these!

    Also, maybe we should go eat somewhere with pretzel buns. Just saying. I keep getting the Wendy's pretzel bun love songs stuck in my head and then craving them...

    I also LOVE Cinnamon Life. It may not be the best, but I figure I could be doing a lot worse!

  4. Pretzel bun sandwiches sound amazing. It has been way too long since I had one! Have a great week!



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