
Jan 13, 2014

Defining Attributes of Shapes

2014 has hit and it is time for shapes!  Our firsties have been working on defining and non-defining attributes.  And I have to say they are doing pretty well, so far. As we were planning for this week, Natalie and I decided that we needed some kind of quick assessment to determine if they were understanding the defining attributes of each shape.  She calls them "must haves."  (I love it!)  Here is what we came up with:

 If you would like to have this for your class, please just click on the image to download it! 
This post is part of Manic Monday!

 Our firsties still have some more work to do before we hit the assessment later this week.  A few months ago I found this image on Pinterest:
I LOVE it!  The use of all the different triangles.  I decided it would be such a fun idea to create snowman using all one shape: hexagon snowman, square snowman, circle snowman.  It could be an interesting way to teach shapes...but--time!  Time!  There is never enough of it.  Natalie and I decided to do the triangle snowman because our firsties do not always understand that shapes can take different forms (skinny, fat, etc).  Many times they think a triangle can only "look" one way.
I hope it turns out to be a good activity that I can share.  If I don't post about it, then you will know it failed! :)

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. What a great Manic Monday Freebie! Shape attributes is one of those units the kiddos love but you can never have enough fun activities to teach it.


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