
Jan 8, 2014

Wednesday WOW-Wavy Style

It is time for Wednesday WOW again!! The weeks seem to be flying by.  And in all honesty...I seem to have the winter blues.  So I am having trouble with this post today.  The temperature has been below zero and we have done a lot of sitting around.  Not many WOW moments.  But I do love this linky and I do love reading everyone's WOW moments.  I hope you can share some this week to make up for my blues-y mood! :)

 After showers this evening, the girls and I decided to braid their hair.  I just can't believe how quickly they are growing.  I remember my mom braiding my hair at night and then I would wake up to some very WAVY hair in the morning.  It is hard to believe that I am now doing the same for my girls.  That is my WOW moment for the week :)
Hope you can link up below!


  1. Thanks for hosting this! What a fun idea! I used to love getting the wavy hair braids!

    1. Thank you so much for linking up. I loved their wavy hair this morning! So cute!

  2. I'm with you on the winter blues. Your girls are adorable!

    1. Ugh to the winter blues!!! I need to snap out of them :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your girls look so sweet!!! Delaney loves to have her hair braided...she thinks it makes it look curly. ;P She is so silly, if she thinks it looks the least bit curly, she doesn't want me to comb it! It's hard to not get the blues when it is so dreary outside, we need a nice sunny day to revive us all.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  5. Cute little girls :)

    Catherine Vargas
    Vintage Girls


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