
Mar 1, 2014

Teacher Feature--Wendy from Read With Me ABC

Being a teacher can be so difficult.  Aside from just day to day teaching, we have to attend meetings, talk with parents, fill out paper work, find and create materials, grade papers, plan, plan, plan, etc. etc. etc!  Often times it seems that we cannot do enough.

Today, several of my teacher friends are taking some time out to recognize how hard every teacher works.  We have had the amazing opportunity to get to know each other, share ideas, and learn from each other.   Today is our day to "feature" other teachers and recognize their amazing work!

I am excited to introduce Wendy from:

Read with Me ABC

Wendy is currently a reading specialist from Pennsylvania.  In her TWENTY years of teaching, she has spent much of her time in first grade. But reading has always been a passion for her because she loves that magical moment when a struggling reader "cracks the code!"  The position she currently holds is perfect for her!  She has always loved children, reading, and being creative; therefore, teaching was a natural fit for Wendy!  I really respect the fact that Wendy feels she is learning right beside her students everyday.

A love for coffee and sweets are two things that Wendy and I have in common!  But it doesn't end there...we share a passion for sticky notes and flair pens!  When she is not teaching, her attention is on her husband, daughter, 2 sons, and their little beagle.

Blogging is something that Wendy enjoys because it gives her time to reflect and grow.  I have the privilege of working with Wendy at Adventures in Literacy Land.  I hope you can hop over and learn more about Wendy at her TPT store and blog!  But let's first find out about her "greatest hits!"

Here are her " Top 3 Greatest Hits!"

Breathtaking Blog Post

This post is chuck FULL of word play ideas to support vocabulary development in the classroom.  I can honestly say, I don't feel that this is a strength of mine.  This is a post that I need to read and reread so that I can begin implementing stronger vocabulary lessons with my students.  Here are two points that really stick out to me:
* Vocabulary Splat--I love this idea because it can be quick and engaging.  Wendy gives directions on how to play this game with any words.
* Blurt--this is a small group game. (Perfect!!) It is student-led. (Perfect-again!)  You will have to check out the step by step instructions!

Premiere Product

In this pack students create a "case file" for a fictional book that they are reading.  It really helps them to dig deeper into the story.  I think what really draws me to this product is that so many skills are covered including context clues, solutions, main idea, central message, and the list goes on.

Fantastic Freebie

What a great book to use at the beginning of the year!  These activities are perfect because they help the student reflect on how they are feeling and how this can connect to the character in the book.  The comparing and contrasting Venn Diagrams are always great!  Thanks for this freebie!

It has been great to "dig" a little deeper into Wendy's world this week!  Thank you for all the great work you do, Wendy!  Your students are lucky to have a teacher that allows them to independently think, read, write, and create.  And we are lucky to have you on our Literacy Land team.



  1. Em,
    Thank you for such kind words! I appreciate you posting this teacher feature of me. You're so sweet.
    :) Wendy
    Read With Me ABC

  2. I, too, love sticky notes! Along with Sharpies, they are the supplies I can't stop buying. :)

  3. I am loving reading about all these wonderful teacher friends I have! I love buying school supplies. I think that fun pens are an addiction. Loving the Wemberly Worried freebie. That is one of my favorite books for back to school. I will have to remember it for next year!

    Hanging Out in First!


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