
Mar 5, 2014

Wednesday WOW

Do you have a Wednesday WOW this week?  It can be any moment from your personal or professional life that you felt went well this week.

On Friday, my blogger-mate, writing partner, and friend, Maria, posted about our Doodle Party.  You can read all about it HERE.

We really had high expectations for this party because it took a lot of planning.  And the topic is just so engaging to our firsties.  But we were very nervous that many students would have parents that did not attend.  This happened at our last event and many many tears were shed.
Maria and I wanted to avoid those tears.  So we invited ANYONE and EVERYONE that we knew would love to hear a little six year old read their Mo Willems-inspired book.  Here's where my WOW moment comes in.  The room was PACKED.

This room had so many people available to read, talk, and doodle with each one of our firsties.  It gave me chills.  Not one tear was shed.  Our kids left happy and proud.  And I am so thankful to everyone that came to be a part of this event.  It really matters to our students.



  1. We had a Black History program last week, I had one student crying because her mom wasn't there, this was like 30 minutes before the program started. she cried and cried and I kept telling her that it was early. Fortunately her mom came in, I don't think she would have quit crying. I have other kids who don't even consider the fact that their mom might come. ;(
    It looks like you guys had a fabulous time! So glad you thought to ask others!
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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