Resolution 1: Devote more energy/time/love to writing! This has never been a very strong subject for me but I started focusing my time on it last year during my small groups. I want to continue my learning! I think this will actually be a very easy resolution to accomplish since our grade level is departmentalizing. Maria's class will focus primarily on writing. We will co-teach to support the writing of our firsties. I am so excited to be co-teaching writing!
Resolution 2: Consistently completing running records for each student. For some reason, time for running records has always been a struggle for me. Over the last few years, I have improved with my management techniques: using labels, organizing them in a binder, devoting time each day to them....I have lacked on making sure that I am keeping track of each student's progress through running records. Karen and I will be co-teaching reading this year. We have our running record plan in place and I look forward to meeting this goal!
Resolution 3: I WILL balance all of the changes within my school. Our grade level is making many changes this year: departmentalizing, leveling, co-teaching, using the literacy collaborative framework, implementing common core standards...hmmm...I know there is more. I am thrilled, scared, nervous...and determined to make it all run smoothly and well!
I know my resolution list could go on and on and on and on...what are your resolutions this year?
Thanks for linking up to the party, Em! Sounds like you have some great resolutions and plans in place to help you follow through with them! :) Hope you have a fabulous new year!
Teaching Maddeness