Hold on tight to something, friends! I KNOW!!! I'm thinking the same thing! Can you believe it???? Two posts, two days IN.A.ROW.! "I Amazing" (as my 3 year old would say) hehehe
I haven't just been sitting on my bum, although... I guess I have been a lot. Even though I'm on my bum, there's always some sort of school work something sitting in my lap. Can I get a whoop, whoop?! :) That's the life of a teacher. Multi-tasking... show (well baseball or football because my Mr. E. is invadin' my space!) watching and working. I've always been this way. Tonight I should be revising my SLO (is anyone else out there writing these guys?!), BUT..... I'm not. I'm blogging two days in a row! :) It'll get finished...... soon. :)
Tonight I thought I would show you our Writing Binder set-up.

Our Cover. This reminds me we need to start saying our Author's Creed.

The green folder is for pieces we are working on. Then, I have our conference notes. This page has been hard for me this year because I started keeping notes on the Evernote App.

Have you used this guy yet????? I'm In *LOVE* with this app!!! You can take pictures, video your kiddos reading, take notes, etc. I'm LOVING it especially because I have a few people conferencing with our firsties this year and I can see what they are doing online or on the app. Just click on the little elephant and it'll take you to the website. The best part is it's FREE!!!! LOVE!!!!
ps... I am in NO WAY paid for my feelings about Evernote. It's just my opinion. :)
The next few pages are pages we can use to help us get ideas about our writing. :) If you want copies, let me know!

I think I'm missing one page. I must have forgotten to take a picture. I think it's a hand. The hand is for "Things I love to do", foot is "Places I've Been", frame is "People I Love" and the heart is for "Things I Love". :) Sorry I missed the picture of the hand. Always something.

The red folder is for pieces we are finished with. Which I am thinking will never be full because writers are continually revising their work, so this folder will never be used! What a
waste of a penny. :) (Thanks to Office Depot) splendid use of my money.
I hope you found this useful. What else do you put in your writing binders????? I'd LOVE to know!
Staff meeting in the morning, so I'm out! I'll be back, I promise! :)
If you are willing to share your hand, foot, frame and heart I would love a copy! shan9899@gmail.com
Always willing!!! :) I'll send them your way now.