
Jan 2, 2014

A Winter 5 for Friday

 It has been awhile since I have done a 5 for Friday.  But I need a little reflection right now!  The winter break from school has gone so quickly that I need to look back at all that I have done.

The holiday season was full of parties with family and friends.  It was full of dress up clothes.  Milk and cookies, carrots and glittery reindeer food.  It was full of squealing little girls.  Full of sugar, chocolate, and coffee.  (Oh and I can't forget two sick girls.)

Once the parties ended, we headed out of town.  My first stop...Ohio Blogger Meet Up!!
Julie from First Grade Critter Cafe, me, Jennie from JD's Rockin' Readers, Lisa from Fourth and Ten, and Sarah from Primarily AU-some, Jenny from Luckeyfrog's Lilypad, Sarah from Permanently Primary, and Christina from Sugar and Spice

I have really enjoyed talking to all my fellow Ohio bloggers but it was even more exciting to meet everyone in person!

After Columbus...I headed north with my Ben and girls to Cleveland to spend time with our "Cleveland family." Then we headed east through Ohio to visit my Ben's extended family.  Then we headed west through Ohio to visit some friends.  Whew!  We saw lots of Ohio.  I created a graphic for you to get the whole effect!

I started a new set of word ladders before the holiday season started with the hopes of completing it.  NOPE.  That does not happen when you have shopping, wrapping, cooking, mothering, and teaching to all take care!  But that is okay...right?  Traveling includes car-time to finish up projects.  So here it is!  My new word ladders that focus on vowel consonant e patterns.
Snow, snow snow.  It has been snowing here all day.  So we went out and bought a sled.  Headed out to the yard and had a great time.  So many squeals, laughs, and cold faces.  I wish I had a picture to share.  But we were having too much fun!


  1. Wow, you did do a lot of traveling! I never even left the metro...many days I didn't even leave the house! lol Your daughters look so cute dressed up. The blogger meet up would be fun. They tried one a while back in Oklahoma, but I don't know if there wasn't enough advanced notice or if people didn't get the message, only a couple showed up. It looks like you guys had a great time. I still plan to link up with Wed. WOW, but it may end up as Weekend Wow. ; P
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  2. Would love to meet (in person) some Ohio bloggers! I went to a meet up 2 years ago (before I started my own blog) but would love to meet some new friends! I'm in NE Ohio.

    A Very Curious Class

  3. Holy moly....that is a lot of traveling! Try and stay warm this weekend with all of your snow! :)

    Mind Sparks

    1. Katie, we are trying to stay warm. It got up to like 15 degrees today. Whew!

  4. Your girls are just adorable! Your sledding story brought back memories of my family doing that when my sister and I were little.


  5. Emily-I loved reading about your Ohio Blogger Meet-Up. How fun! Your family stories were so sweet too. My Catherine loved (and still does) dressing up. She's a total drama girl. LOL! (in more ways than one) I am so excited for our launch too. Have a great week!
    Comprehension Connection


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