
Jan 1, 2014

Wednesday WOW--new literacy blog

The holidays have come and gone by so quickly.  And my brain is still on vacation, so sorry!  We have been enjoying lots of good (and much needed) family time!  But I did not want to miss out on my Wednesday WOW because I love to reflect on the great things that are going on.

The past few months I have had the privilege of meeting some great literacy experts.  I have learned a lot about reading instruction and also how to collaborate on blog hops, facebook frenzy, and guest posts.  This was all new learning to me and it has all happened in just the last few months!  That is a super big WOW to me!
On Monday, we will launch a collaborative blog to share different information on reading instruction.  We will kick it all off with a week of giveaways and freebies.  My Ben made the graphics for it!  I was super excited that he could offer his free services :)

I am so excited to be a part of this new blog and to share whatever I can about reading instruction!

I hope you can link up with your WOW!


  1. I love the new blog! Looking forward to learning from you!

    A Very Curious Class

  2. Happy New Year Emily! I can't wait to read all the wonderful posts on our new blog!
    -Emily :)

  3. How exciting for you! Can't wait to see what you share with us!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  4. Is it Wednesday?? I totally lost track of days! Congrats on the new blog, I am excited to read it!

  5. Your husband did a great job on the blog design! I'm looking forward to the new blog. I've sent the link to a friend of mine that is a reading specialist. She is always looking for some new ideas.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher


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