A Snow Day Giveaway!

Feb 18, 2015

Dear Snow, cold... (and mother nature),
I'm tired of you.  Very. Tired.

In honor of having yet another snow day this week, we're having a *little* giveaway.  I need to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.  Well.... I would just take warm!  I don't know how you wwwaaaayyy northerners do it!  I've had all I can handle.  I'm ready for 95 and high humidity! 

A few weeks ago we posted a freebie for Sentence Dictation.  It looked a little like this.....

This is what it looks like in action.....
Once we have finished each sentence, we use our five star sentence checklist to be sure we have all parts that are needed for each sentence.  We go one-by-one and I have the students actually TOUCH capital letters, punctuation, and fingerspaces.  I'm trying my hardest to get them in this habit.  Once we get to looks right, students again are supposed to touch each letter to be sure all letters are living in the right place (upstairs, downstairs, and basement). Students read what they wrote to make sure their sentence sounds right.  This last one is still a WIP (work in progress).  It's hard for firsties (as you may know) to read what they ACTUALLY write down, but hey.... we're working on it. :)
This is what our checklist looks like in action.  I have laminated these little guys and taped them to my firsties desks.  We use dry erase markers to check off each star AFTER we've checked our work. Then we wipe them off with tissues. (Fancy Nancy would be so disappointed) :) 

So.... do you want to win your own class set of Five Star Checklists... LAMINATED?????
Just enter below and we'll send them your way!

Happy Snow day sweet friends!


  1. I hate the snow and cold. We have had 2 snow days and a 2 hour delay this week. I can't wait for spring to get here!

    1. Hi Lori!!!
      I'm right there with you! I think I need to move. :)

  2. We don't get much snow here. When we do, it usually has a good layer of ice under it and it's dangerous. I don't mind an occasional snow day each year but don't want any more than one day!
    Karen Rowland

    Adventures With Firsties


    1. By the way, I absolutely LOVE your checklist idea. You guys ALWAYS rock! I want to be in your classroom. :)

    2. We don't get much snow where I live, so we tend to get a little excited. And a few flakes in the forecast leads to SNOW DAYS!

    3. I would love a few a year, in random, strategic places, but 4 days in a row! It's making me nutty! :) (not to mention my own kiddos have been off for 10 days now (including weekends). They are READY to go back.
      Here's to a full week?!?!?!?!?

    4. Thanks so much for your sweet comment Karen!
      We would LOVE to have you in our class too!

  3. Ice is WAY worse than snow! I can't believe that you are getting all that in NC!
    Safe travels to you!!! :)


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