It is a fresh year and I need a fresh start to this wonderful little blog that has connected me to so many. I have failed to maintain it over the past year. I have failed to share my thoughts, my learnings, and connections.
So that leads me to this idea..."Fruitful Failure Friday." First of all...alliteration, people! I love it.
I have taught my own children and my students that we don't grow and learn without failure. If my Gertie knew how to long divide already, then she wouldn't need to be in fourth grade. If my nephew had been born knowing how to swim, then he wouldn't have to take swim lessons. If I knew everything about teaching, then I wouldn't need to read and grow each year.
But I do not know everything about teaching or every student that I will encounter; therefore, I must fail, at times. I must try out new ideas to determine if they work or not. This is life. Trial and error. Growth and change. Reflection.
From our failures can come fruitful lessons.
My hope is to share these failures and reflections with you each week. By writing and sharing, I grow and maybe you will have ideas to share with me, as well.
So here is to a fresh start for a fresh year.
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