Something New

Nov 4, 2012

The Hands-On Teacher is hosting a Link-Up and I just could not resist.  To join in please click HERE!

So--I love to cook.  My husband is a much better cook than me; therefore, he does most of it.  But I am a better baker and just really enjoying losing myself in a good recipe.  We love to try out new recipes each week (thank you pinterest)!  We tried out quite a few new ones this weekend but I took some pictures of only one of them to share!  Oh yeah--I should warn...I am not good at coming up with my own recipes.  They always come from someone else.

This one comes from a new Whole Foods Kids flyer that I picked up.  I tried to find the recipe online, but I can't find this version.  So here is a picture.

Squash has become one of my favorite foods to cook in fall/winter.  I cooked up my squash.
Cooked up the apples with onions (but I forgot the onions until the end, of course).

I blended it all up with some good spices!

And...that's it! The soup was done.
I popped it in the freezer for later.  Here's to hoping that my girls will eat it :)

Happy Sunday!


  1. MMMMMMMM! That looks super yummy! Perfect recipe for this time of year! :)

    Thanks for linking up!
    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

    1. Thanks Marie! I hope it tastes as good as it looks :)

  2. This looks so good! We have "Try it Tuesday" each week. We might have to try this tomorrow! Thanks for sharing!!
    Owl Things First!

    1. OOOh! I hope you like it! I can't wait to hear. We will be trying it on Thursday....after conferences :)


  3. Your soup sounds yummy! I will have to try it! Thanks for joining my blog. :)
    Diving Into 2nd Grade


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