I added 200 more books to the book room yesterday. Bagging, labeling, boxing. Next step is for me to log them into the book room website. That goes on my "summer list."
This year I tried something new. I called it "Take Your Pick" (you can click on it to see my original post). Basically, students in 1st and 2nd grade could earn tickets. They used their "raffle" ticket to try and win a book of their choice. I picked 5 book winners a week.
It was a Ginormous success. Kids would cheer when they won :) So I decided to continue this for next year and was able to round up enough books to do 3 boards of books next year. One for K, 1st, and 2nd grade! Here is my filing cabinet of
We found out this week that we will have a new curious teammate next year! Lauren! She taught 2nd grade this year and Title I the year before. Lauren and I shared a teeny tiny little closet during her Title I year. It was so strange this year to not see her everyday. I am so excited to work with her again! Welcome, welcome Lauren. We are so happy to have you.
It is that time of year again...Kings Island. We only live about 10 minutes from it and thank goodness for that! We are there all the time. This week my little 4 year old rode her first "big" roller coaster. Oh my goodness! She was just so excited about it. Then she got some of Kings Island's famous blue ice cream because she tried a new ride. (This is actually a rule in Maria's household that we decided to adopt! Thanks, Maria)
So the new Daft Punk album came out. Of course my husband bought it the second it was available. My girls love "the robots!" I had to share this video my husband took. Every time this song comes on, this is what happens. I am pretty positive this will be the song of my summer!

Just found you through the Five for Friday linky & so excited to be your newest follower. I love finding other first grade bloggers :) Love your book giveaway/raffle idea. I think I could use that in my room. Thanks :) Also, love the dancing..too cute!
First Grade Fairytales
I'm a first grade teacher as well (although I have grade two's in there as well just in case I was going to have ANY free time from differentiation planning!)
ReplyDeleteI stopped by from Doodle Bugs...great blog!
Whimsy Workshop
Wowzer to the addition to the book room!
You Might Be a First Grader….
Loved reading about your organization system! After teaching for 19 years, I have actually started getting more organized. I have a few "tidy" plans for the summer... :0) Just found your blog through the Five for Friday linky and am a new follower! So glad to have come upon your site!
Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers
I love you book room! Happy summer to you!!
Owl Things First