So, I am linking up with Denise over at Sunny Days in Second Grade for her My Truth Monday. This week is about fitness.
Fitness is near and dear to my heart. I have always been doing something since I was a little girl. I started out playing tee ball when I was 5, moved into baseball, then softball by third grade. In third is also when I started playing volleyball. In addition to those two sports, I have dabbled in soccer, swam on the summer swim team, and muddled through basketball (and hated every minute of it).Once I stopped playing volleyball as a junior in college, I decided I needed to do something. That something was running. I have run several half marathons and one full marathon. I LOVE running. I love the solitude but the community feel of it. I love getting in the "Zone" and looking down wondering how I went that far. :) As I had kiddos, working out became a little more challenging. When we had two littles, I would just throw them in the double jogger and head out for a 10 miler. When we added our third three years ago, that was not feasible anymore. So, I started to take advantage of our gym that had childcare included in our dues. :) My girls sometimes will complain and I think it would be easy for me to say... ok we won't go, but that's not fair to me or quite frankly, them. Being a teaching mom I know I don't see my girls all day but I still use this "Truth" with them now and in the summer. I know I am a better mom when I'm working out. So here is my truth....
So I hope this truth will resonate with you the next time you feel "guilty" about putting your kiddos in the gym childcare or putting them to bed a little early, or throwing them in the jogger for a 10 mile run. :) I am also reasonable with myself now. I can't work out 6 days a week anymore, so I shoot for 4, but some weeks I can only make it two or three days and I have to be ok with that. :)

Great post Maria! I think taking care of yourself IS taking care of your girls. That is something I didn't do and now I am trying to lose weight, get in shape, etc... Good for you for doing it the right way! ;)
I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher