Wednesday WOW!

Oct 9, 2013

Welcome Wednesday!!  Hope you can link up to share something (personal or professional) that has gone well for you this week!
This year we are using Aimsweb for Reading and Math.  This means that we can progress monitor right onto the computer instead of paper/pencil like I have been doing with DIBELS for years.
I discovered that I could do this progress monitoring on the iPad!! Sweet!! This makes my life so much easier because it is small, quick, and efficient.  So grateful for this.

I am also using the iPad for writing conferences (which Maria mentioned yesterday).  I just was not sure how this was going to work out. Ummmm....great! I am loving it.

Hope you have something big or small that has gone well that you can share with us.  Just link up below :)

Link up with a WOW moment from your professional or personal life.

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1 comment:

  1. We are using Aimsweb as well! I love it! We made the transition from DIBELS during the year last year, and it is SO nice to have the technology capabilities with Aimsweb now. Good for you!


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