Day 4 of Celebrating = 11 Winner's Choice

May 29, 2014

Jennifer was a our Day 3 winner!! Congrats!!

DAY 4 of our CELEBRATION brings lots of CHOICE!  Here is what we are celebrating:

There are 5 days...52 products.  Each day we will have a new winner. My store is 50% off this whole week!.  AND one TPT product is free today (just for the day).

Here is what we have today....lots of CHOICE!! Thank you to all of my friends that donated today!

Good luck!


  1. Congratulations! It is very exciting to have reached that goal. I wish you the best on these last days of the school year. God's Blessings!

    1. Thanks Debbie! I was so excited to reach this goal. I love connecting with others and learning from so many different people around the world!

  2. Congrats Emily! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
    JD's Rockin' Readers

  3. Replies
    1. Oh sorry!!! I already went the winnings out to the Jennifer that won!

    2. Oh, ok! Just checking! :) Maybe today will be my lucky day!


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