Day 5 (Last Day) of Celebrating = 11 Winner's Choice

May 30, 2014

Congrats Cherie Mae!! Our Day 4 winner!!

DAY 5...our final day :(... of our CELEBRATION brings lots MORE choice!  Here is what we are celebrating:

Today is the last day that  my store is 50% off!.  AND one TPT product is free today (just for the day).

So many products to win today!  Thank you so much to all my Day 5 friends!

Thank you for participating! Good luck to everyone!


  1. This week has been very enjoyable looking through your store to see what items you have on sale. I have been introduced to some new bloggers thanks to your 500 celebration. Congratulations!

    1. Debbie--Thanks so much for coming back each day! I hope you can use some of the FREEBIES from this week. It has been a lot of fun to give things away. I know I love trying out new activities and lessons! Happy Weekend!


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