Love for a Lovely Birthday

Feb 5, 2013

Today was my birthday.  It started off with a screaming toddler but quickly took a turn for the better.

First, there was the wonderful new plant from my Title I partner.

Then, my amazing curious team spoiled me with all of this wonderful chocolate and gifts! (They know me SO well).

And then I got a text..."Go check your car."  My husband dropped off some great Servatii treats for me to share!

Thank you so much for all the love today!

 I have posted about these sight word cards before from child1st.  But the more I use them, the more I like them.  I love that they have a picture on one side and the stand-alone word on the opposite side.  The motion and sentence are super helpful.  I feel like each learning style is hit with one card.  Do I sound like a salesman?  Yep...sorry.

Tomorrow is conferences!  Here's hoping for a productive Wednesday!



  1. Happy Birthday!! I love Miz Mooz shoes & candy & sweets as well!! It's a match made in heaven!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  2. Happiest of Birthdays to you! Absolutely love the plant! And love that you got some sweets for your special day!

    Those cards are indeed simply fabulous! It's so important for the little ones to have a motion or catch phrase that they can hold onto to remember everything!
    Thanks so much for linking up with us. Best of luck with your conferences (keep that chocolate handy)!

    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  3. Happy, happy!!!
    My birthday is this month, too. :)

    I get pretty excited about finding fellow first grade teachers out there in Blogland, so I started following you tonight (via First Grade Carousel).

    When you get some time, head on over to my blog! I look forward to sharing ideas with you. :)
    Floating through First Grade

  4. Glad you had a happy birthday! Those definitely were some good treats! The sight word cards do look like they would be very effective-might have to check those out. :)



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