Let's Get Acquainted

Jun 30, 2013

 I thought I would join in on Mrs. Reed's Let's Get Aquainted!

Dream Vacation
I really enjoy traveling.  Seeing new places, trying new food...but I have never left North America.  I have always wanted to go across to Europe.  I am not too picky on what part of Europe.  Ireland has always looked beautiful to me...
 And Italy would be so nice...
 I would also not be opposed to Paris :)
 But in all honesty...I am happy to go anywhere.  I love to see new places.
Books I'm Reading
Summer is really my only time to dive into some fiction books. Reason being: once I dive in...I don't come back up until I am done with the book. My sister let me borrow her Emily Giffin books.  So my summer book list has been (and still is)...
  I have dabbled in some school reading as well.  Truthfully, only a little. Reason being:  see fiction books above!  Here's what I've been reading:
I have always enjoyed making things.  Sounds generic.  But it kind of is.  Sometimes I like to make skirts--I made this one this week.
 Sometimes it is bird feeders--I made this one last week.
 Sometimes it is baking and cooking--we made these frozen grape treats yesterday.
And I love to make activities for school.  Like this Nursery Rhyme Mystery activity I finished yesterday.
Honestly, I don't think I have perfected any of these creative endeavors.  But I enjoy trying to make new things.  I like the challenge.  So I keep trying.


  1. How are the Emily Griffin books! I have always wanted to read them but haven't yet!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

    1. I have enjoyed her books so far. I have read Something Borrowed (which is a movie) and Something Blue.

  2. You would love Europe. I've been to Italy and France several times. Italy is my favorite though. I read Smarter Charts. So so so good! I haven't heard of Emily Griffin. Is she good?
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  3. I love your Smarter Charts book! I will check that out for sure! Your dream vacay to Italy and Paris is also on my bucket list! Chris and I are hoping to speak to a travel agent this month for a two week honeymoon there next June! Fingers crossed!
    Have a great week dear!


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